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Calendar of Seminars

While much of John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair's work is in the corporate sector, they lead a number of public seminars around the world sponsored by various NLP centers. John and Carmen jointly lead each seminar and the design is based on information John and Carmen consider essential for the NLP field to grow and prosper.
The public seminars are listed below in date order; for seminars in
Mexico in Spanish, please contact dei@megared.net.mx

NLP Premier Practitioner

07 March 2010 13 days Croydon, England info@realnlp.co.uk
Join the NLP Academy for a comprehensive learning experience that will take you to the cutting edge of the exciting and dynamic field of NLP. The Premier Practitioner is a full study in the application of Classic and New Code NLP. This is an unprecedented opportunity to become an NLP Practitioner certified by the co-creator of NLP John Grinder with Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll. Their combined expertise will bring you the latest thinking and techniques as well as the core NLP models co-created by John Grinder.

NLP Trainers Training

08 August 2010 19 days Brighton, England info@realnlp.co.uk
Attend this exclusive training with John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll if you are truly serious about becoming an NLP trainer.

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