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Front cover illustration of Whispering in the Wind
WHISPERING IN THE WIND is a rich, entertaining and precise presentation of a number of topics and issues that define the enterprise called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
After NLP's turbulent infancy and a wayward adolescence, we are treated to a comprehensive and in-depth presentation by one of the co-creators of NLP, John Grinder, and a brilliant new voice in the community, Carmen Bostic St. Clair. Their ability to balance metaphor, formalisms and down-to-earth examples of the powerful processes that drive NLP is unequaled. This book represents the coming of age for the exciting adventure called NLP.


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If you wish to find out more about the book, or to order, please email us on nlpbookstore@msn.com


"Steps to an Ecology of Emergence" Read this article by Thomas E. Malloy, Carmen Bostic St Clair, and John Grinder

Read "The Sins* of the Fathers": an article by John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair

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All information on this web site (unless otherwise stated) is © copyright 2002 - 2006 John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair of CB and JG publishing. All rights reserved. The information provided on this site, including John Grinder's and Carmen Bostic St Clair posts in the forum are strictly for provided on this site for personal use only and may not be reproduced and disseminated in any format without explicit permission.