Forum Message

Topic: Re:messengers and messages
Posted by: Ian
Date/Time: 16/10/2002 12:46:37

Politicians, business leaders, gurus, religious leaders ... and so on .. the list is endless (and does not exclude NLP trainers)

It appears to me that most (perhaps nearly all) of the people who are most widely listened to in the world are hugely incongruent with their messages

Conversely those who are most congruent are often not listened to because what they have to say is not palatable or popular

What a wonderful world it would be if people really did only listen to congruence - a start might be to educate people about what it is and how to recognise it !


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
messengers and messages 11/10/2002 17:47:56kc
     massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:39:21Cave Eater
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:53:27stumped
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 14:29:21Jim R
               Re:Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 15:09:31Stumped
                    fluff sandwich16/10/2002 22:07:18Johnny b Good
               Begin with the end in Mind?16/10/2002 22:09:22someone
                    ReReReRe:Begin with the end in Mind?17/10/2002 00:44:08sammy
     Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 12:46:37Ian
          Re:Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 22:14:12kc
               Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 17/10/2002 12:22:56Ian
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 13:33:24kc
                         ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:22:14sammy
                              ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:36:21kc
                                   ReRe:ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 21/10/2002 00:40:26sammy

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