Forum Message

Topic: Re:Learning New Code
Posted by: Jeisyn Murphy
Date/Time: 26/10/2002 07:49:42


I'm John and Carmen's sponsor for the New Code training in Austin, Texas. While I don't intend to answer for Carmen or John I'd like to provide you some beginning of an answer until one or both of them can perhaps reply to you more directly.

Based on my discusions with JG I believe the five day seminar on the New Code will be a great chance for a novice to learn it as well as a deepening for any interested who have had prior New Code training. I'll leave it to John, Carmen and others better versed in the New Code than myself to suggest how to prepare in advance.

Also, my staff and myself will be leading practice sessions each evening for all who are interested in taking what we've learned at that point and applying it more specifically to individual interests. These groups are included in the cost of tuition. You can visit for details.


Jeisyn Murphy
Southwestern Institute of NLP

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Learning New Code23/10/2002 13:35:09John Plisky
     Re:Re Learning New Code26/10/2002 04:27:47Jon Henry
     Re:Learning New Code26/10/2002 07:49:42Jeisyn Murphy
     Re:Learning New Code27/10/2002 23:26:06John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair

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