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Topic: ReRe:Online article by Carmen and John in anchorpoint
Posted by: Ernest
Date/Time: 12/11/2002 18:49:23

Thanks with appreciation

A fine suggestion and a must read for the NLP modeling prodigy. Definitely opened up my neurology again today. Just don't know yet how! Amusingly I will find out how when my senses catch up to John Grinders and Carmen Bostics maybe ! possibly later..possibly..

thanks to all

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Online article by Carmen and John in anchorpoint12/11/2002 17:14:41Thomas
     ReRe:Online article by Carmen and John in anchorpoint12/11/2002 18:49:23Ernest
     ReRe:New Online article by Carmen and John in anchorpoint14/11/2002 03:14:46kc
          Re:ReRe:Re: New Online article by Carmen and John in anchorpoint07/12/2002 12:14:50Ernest

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