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Topic: The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups
Posted by: Eric
Date/Time: 15/02/2003 22:35:28

Hello John and Co.,

I had the oportunity to consult this past year with a company that has perhaps one of the most efficient technical teams that I have ever consulted with.

Every Tuesday morning the Director held a group meeting. This group had a habit of working significantly ahead of schedule. Their Tuesday meeting format went as such.

1. A little friendly chit-chat about their weekends.

2. They would go around the table, starting with the reports, each talking about ideas that they found interesting about the project, potential solutions, and emphasizing what they had tried and either had some little success with, or identified as a path that wouldn't work.  

3. The supervisor would then describe the goal that management had requested from the department.

4. Reports would suggest various paths to that goal, sometimes based on information from step one.

5. The supervisor would then choose the solution that technically would lead to the department's required deliverable.

6. The supervisor would then ask the team which tasks people wanted, and would ballance out the requests in such a way to make sure the project would be completed successfully. There was always some people/time not required for the task, who would do fine tuning, or research for further ways to proceed in the future.

The structure of this system is the same as that John Grinder mentions that Moshe Feldenkras used to heal an elbow, and the same that Milton used in his theraputic healings.

The first move was to ask for a big movement of which the desired goal was only a subset. In this case the request was for suggested methods of progress, that happened to incorporate the task at hand.

While this may seem like old hat, it was inspiring to see in person, and I offer the content to those who want a method for organizational meetings.

Be Well!

- Eric

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups15/02/2003 22:35:28Eric
     Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups16/02/2003 01:31:33Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups16/02/2003 17:53:39kc
               Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups17/02/2003 05:11:02Eric Rudnick
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups17/02/2003 20:36:51John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups18/02/2003 18:42:20Eric Rudnick
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups19/02/2003 16:29:40John Grinder
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups19/02/2003 18:14:09Eric
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Milton/Moshe Move applied to Modeling Groups19/02/2003 17:01:06Robert

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