Forum Message

Topic: Re:RE: nlp new code and networking
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 30/03/2003 23:58:53

Hi John

Thanks for your post.

You wrote "This Whispering post here is great for what it is worth but it does not feature back and forth chat conversation so it is alittle sluggish."

Can you explain what you mean by "back and forth chat?"

You wrote "I would like to speak more freely and explore more distinctions into the use/design of New Code applications and modeling with others on my level if possible-quicker and simpler."

Feel free to speak freely here, we welcome your input.



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
RE: nlp new code and networking29/03/2003 16:43:17John Bloomfield
     Re:RE: nlp new code and networking30/03/2003 08:30:26Loren Larsen
          Re:Re:RE: nlp new code and networking30/03/2003 11:39:36John Bloomfield
     Re:RE: nlp new code and networking30/03/2003 23:58:53Michael Carroll

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