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Topic: How to really mess up someone's golf swing
Posted by: Golf Swing Modeler
Date/Time: 19/07/2003 18:55:07

This is just a theoretical post..although many golf swing trainers out there do this without knowing (its easier to make less mistakes and much harder to mess with when acting as someone's trainer who's already got an excellent swing albeit).  But if you want to really do this quickly on someone who doesn't have much experience with a golf swing, follow the sequences I have suggested (in terms of kinesthetic, metaphorical and reflex distinctions) and just fill them in with the content based on some of the following:
1.  An amateurs idea of what should be there.
2.  Something out of a golf swing text book.
3.  What many golf pro's think they are doing.
4.  What a complete novice or individual inexperienced in modeling the golf swing thinks should go in there.

Any of these should mess someone's golf swing long-term :-)  Why because these pathways become automated outside of someone's consciousness and end up being all they know how to do.  (That's great if you have the right content, really bad if you don't!).  In one sense its easier to train someone new to the golf swing, than someone with a bad habit that needs breaking.  To break bad habits and replace them with good habits you need to use some additional techniques in conditioning.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
How to really mess up someone's golf swing19/07/2003 18:55:07Golf Swing Modeler
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing19/07/2003 19:19:04Sean
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 02:54:41markus
          Re:Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 10:23:05Golf Swing Modeler
          Re:Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 12:33:42Michael Carroll
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing12/09/2003 11:58:39Steve
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing23/09/2003 03:12:38InnerCalm

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