Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 22/07/2003 12:33:42

You wrote "A theoretical observation:Ever take a really big swing at your monotonous distinctions that are driving this forum into the bunkers..or just t- off elsewhere instead?"

Thanks Markus for joining in the forum discussion. From your statement above I assume you have read X number of posts to conclude that distinctions made in this forum are monotonous.

On that note, I invite you to take us out of what you call the bunkers and make a contribution of your own - where you present your own distinctions.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
How to really mess up someone's golf swing19/07/2003 18:55:07Golf Swing Modeler
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing19/07/2003 19:19:04Sean
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 02:54:41markus
          Re:Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 10:23:05Golf Swing Modeler
          Re:Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing22/07/2003 12:33:42Michael Carroll
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing12/09/2003 11:58:39Steve
     Re:How to really mess up someone's golf swing23/09/2003 03:12:38InnerCalm

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