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Topic: Re:John, I have to ask this...
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 23/04/2002 01:07:03


Michael Carroll here, I have been working with John and Carmen on putting this site together. John and Carmen are in Paris preparing for seminar they will conduct, so may not visit the forum over the next week or so.

May I refer you to chapter 4, part I of "Whispering", called Personal Antecedents of NLP where John makes statement wishing Richard well, and goes onto describe certain characteristics he and Richard shared during their collaboration. John also refers to the current state of "communication" between the co founders of NLP.

One of John and Carmen's intention in writing Whispering was to enable the NLP community to re-focus its attention on modelling. The information you request has little use for a modeller.

What is of great value to a modeller, is information regarding how John and Richard worked so well together to produce the great work they did. With that in mind, I refer you to chapter 1, part II of the book called - Contexts of Discovery. Here John gives a rich description of the how NLP came about and the positive relationship he and Richard enjoyed during their collaboration. There is also a lot of detail about original modelling projects John and Richard conducted together. It's fascinating reading so.... enjoy.


Michael Carroll

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
John, I have to ask this...22/04/2002 20:25:51Ed
     Re:John, I have to ask this...23/04/2002 01:07:03Michael Carroll
     Re:John, I have to ask this...23/04/2002 04:49:48Harlan Kilstein
     Re:John, I have to ask this...24/04/2002 01:32:50John Grinder

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