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Topic: Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal
Posted by: Kuni
Date/Time: 10/12/2002 14:22:46

Hello Michael,

You wrote;

"Do you have any references for clear communication from the unconscious ( through sensation) when you were not trying elicit any responses. "

I am afraid I don't have any reference for CLEAR communication from the unconscious.

"Many people refer to such communication as hunches, gut feelings etc. Before the verbal descriptions such hunches are sensations in the body. It’s worth calibrating to  such sensations, when you catch them in action"

Thank you for the seggestion. I would like to have some self calibration exercise. I have felt that calibrating myself is difficult. Could you give me some suggestion about it?

"What is your purpose in eliciting involuntary unconscious signals when you are in bed?"

My purpose is establish rapport with my unconscious.

"Just curious- there may be a place other than bed where you could have more success."

Oh, I will do it other place. Thanks. BTW, why I would eliciting involuntary siganal in bed is that it is where I am very relaxing in the day. So I think I could elicit a signal easily.

Thank you for the reply, and thanks for sharing your article "Changing with New Code NLP" in this forum.
I want to have some experience like you worte in the article !

My best regards,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal05/12/2002 14:06:28Kuni
     Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal05/12/2002 20:22:58Lewis Walker
          Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal06/12/2002 06:51:40Kuni
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal06/12/2002 10:17:22Lewis Walker
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal07/12/2002 14:27:45Kuni
     Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal09/12/2002 14:21:11Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal10/12/2002 14:22:46Kuni
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 02:10:26Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 14:03:31Kuni
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 18:12:47Michael Carroll
                              Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal18/12/2002 14:22:51Kuni
                                   Re:Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal19/12/2002 00:06:13Jim R
                                        Re:Re:Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal19/12/2002 06:38:41Kuni

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