Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 17/12/2002 02:10:26


I suggested to try a place other than your bed  to elicit involuntary signals from your unconscious on the premise that your attempts in bed  have not worked for you so far. There is an old NLP saying that if something is not working try something different.

So here are a few suggestions to play with to help you increase rapport with conscious/unconscious mind.

1. Self hypnosis

2. Work with a well trained NLP Practitioner who will help you elicit involuntary unconscious signals - through sensation i.e the kinaesthetic system

3. Mind body activities that engage co-ordination bi-hemispheric processing such as juggling or the new code alphabet game.

4. Experience the world using different activities to fully engage different modalities. Examples are forms of art such as dancing, painting, pottery, sculpture, playing a musical instrument,  singing, poetry.

5. Physical activities that produce know nothing states- sports, running, workouts, walking in fields full of flowers , gardening - the list is endless

6. Consciously focus on sensations in body- and describe them in detail. (Connecting sensation with language)

7. Image streaming- i.e close your eyes, turn on tape recorder and just pay attention to the mental imagery and describe what you see in your mind. You are processing using language and visual parts of the brain -great for creativity and increasing your awareness of the visual system.

Steps 3-7 above are activities which when utilised help people increase conscious/unconscious rapport on the basis the activities engage neural circuitry that you might not be using in your everyday conscious awareness. Involuntary unconscious signals often become easier to experience when one begins to use differing forms of neural circuitry. You can take a couple of activities I describe or find other ones that interest you and explore what happens.

Please note this post is not representing John or Carmen or their work.

Have fun


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal05/12/2002 14:06:28Kuni
     Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal05/12/2002 20:22:58Lewis Walker
          Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal06/12/2002 06:51:40Kuni
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal06/12/2002 10:17:22Lewis Walker
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal07/12/2002 14:27:45Kuni
     Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal09/12/2002 14:21:11Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal10/12/2002 14:22:46Kuni
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 02:10:26Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 14:03:31Kuni
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal17/12/2002 18:12:47Michael Carroll
                              Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal18/12/2002 14:22:51Kuni
                                   Re:Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal19/12/2002 00:06:13Jim R
                                        Re:Re:Re 6:Applications: Establishing an involuntary unconscious signal19/12/2002 06:38:41Kuni

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