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Topic: Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid ( wind disorders)
Posted by: Zhi Zhi Chien
Date/Time: 04/01/2003 04:28:50

Wind in nature is the primary exogonous pathogenic factor in causing disease...Wind in nature blows in gusts and is characterized by rapid changes.Disorders caused by pathogenic wind,therefore,are marked by migratory symptoms,rapid changes,and abrupt onset of disease...Moving pathogenic wind in the body can cause dizziness,vertigo,fermitus,convulsions,and opisthotonos.Examples are tetanus and deviation of the mouth and eyes with spasm of the facial muscles.

Observation of the eyes:
The liver opens into the eye and the essential qi of the five yin and six yang organs all goes up into the eyes...Upward, straight forward or sideways staring of the eye is mostly caused by disturbance of liver wind.
Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Cheng Xinnong

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Here's looking at you,kid.07/11/2002 20:27:49Zhi Zhi Chien
     Re:Here's looking at you,kid.07/11/2002 23:34:55thepropagandist
          Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 00:12:11Zhi Zhi Chien
               Re:Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 00:44:17thepropagandist
     ReReReReRe: Here's maybe looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 01:04:16The Procrasinater
     Re:Here's looking at you,kid.04/01/2003 01:41:23nj
          Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid ( wind disorders)04/01/2003 04:28:50Zhi Zhi Chien

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