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Topic: To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations
Posted by: nj
Date/Time: 20/06/2002 05:48:32

Hello, Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair.

Thank you for writing your book "Whispering In The Wind".  I like your book.  I will reread certain sections of "Whispering In The Wind" until I can think through what you authors wrote in those sections.

On page 364, paragraph 4 of your book "Whispering In The Wind", you write:

"...we are proposing that prior to making any new choice generated through a congruent application of these NLP patterns, we would accept the responsibility of systematically using triple description."

Suppose many NLP practitioners will pursue many of your book's recommendations, but will not apply triple description systematically.  If you know in advance that they will not apply triple description systematically, will you want them to implement your other recommendations? 


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations20/06/2002 05:48:32nj
     Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations20/06/2002 18:12:45John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations21/06/2002 05:38:09nj
               Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations21/06/2002 18:07:29John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations23/06/2002 09:26:33nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations05/07/2002 06:18:29nj
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations30/06/2002 19:35:31nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations01/07/2002 18:26:01John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations01/07/2002 21:49:33nj
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations02/07/2002 19:03:17John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations10/07/2002 05:44:56Brenda
                                        to: Brenda. Topic: Recommendations10/07/2002 22:28:14nj
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations14/07/2002 18:12:02Carol Anne
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations15/07/2002 01:24:00nj
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:To: Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair. Topic:Recommendations17/07/2002 01:57:39Michael Carroll

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