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Topic: Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 30/06/2002 19:04:03


I agree those early modelling days John, Richard and Frank experienced sound fantastic.

I am not sure what John or Carmen would do with respect to improving vision.

I have heard of cases similar to Maribeth where vision improvement is achieved for short period of time. On one hypnosis course I ran  a lady came out of trance delighted that she needed to remove her  glasses  to see clearly. The cool thing was she was working on something different than seeing clearly or so she thought. 

The cases I have observed where vision improvement is sustained all have included eye exercises after the session and during the session eliciting (and satisfying) the positive intention for the eyes not present clear images to the brain.

If you are interested in vision work the 2 books below are very good. They provide an alternative viewpoint to optometrists and include some eye exercises.

1. Natural Vision Improvement - Janet Goodrich
2. The Art of Seeing- Aldous Huxley

In Whispering John and Carmen refer to the work of Leo Angart who has developed a process for improving eye site which uses some NLP and similar exercises  proposed in the above books. I have heard excellent reports about Leo's work although I have not met him personally. 

Anyway I thought I would share my thoughts with you. I would enjoy hearing any specific cases relating to eye sight improvement.



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement24/06/2002 22:24:34John
     Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement30/06/2002 18:38:50John Grinder
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement01/07/2002 20:12:48Jim R
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement02/07/2002 01:16:27Michael Carroll
               Re:Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement02/07/2002 18:57:10John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement03/07/2002 01:24:39Michael Carroll
     Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement30/06/2002 19:04:03Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement01/07/2002 20:09:57Jim R

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