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Topic: building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies
Posted by: Sean
Date/Time: 30/08/2003 05:16:43


Help me out here please!

How do i build a strong  "high performance  state" if my diet is not indicive to a high performance state? In other words what do I need to change or how  does my (food) diet get involved with developing my high performance states?

This is somthing I am considering  more and more at my present moment as I travel around the country training . As some of you know while we are on the road it is hard to maintain a high performance diet and keep our energy strong as we train others.

In my past I must admit I used cofee
as my  'go to'  stimulant to get myself going but now I do now  recognize that my coffee choice
(all that acid build up and nervousness ) is not the state or physiology or a healthy choice for myself and I do want to be in it while performing and training others in my field.(sales)

Please someone do advise me what you do or some one you know does and what you think is a useful strategy for maintaing a high energy diet to help me get in to a HPS before and stay strong through out my day as I go out and train others.....

a sincere thanks for all your valuable and kind feedback

Sean O'Fallon

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 05:16:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 08:46:07Stephen Bray
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:07:48Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 23:07:00Jim R
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:10:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies31/08/2003 15:25:52alex
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 07:49:50Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 08:12:06Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:wellness and WITW strategies01/09/2003 15:40:26Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 17:40:33Robert Ballentine
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 04:05:12Berry Case
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 08:55:46Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:42:14Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 04:35:12John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 07:53:20Stephen Bray
                              Re::building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 10:34:51Sean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:37:23Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:56:12bill
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:32:38Sean
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 15:29:26sitdown
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:42:46Robert Ballentine
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:54:14Stephen Bray
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:32:29Sean

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