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Topic: Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies
Posted by: alex
Date/Time: 31/08/2003 15:25:52

It also depends which part of the country you grew up in...for instance, somebody from Jefferson City, Missouri is going to have to have different considerations than somebody from Jay Birds!


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 05:16:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 08:46:07Stephen Bray
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:07:48Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 23:07:00Jim R
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:10:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies31/08/2003 15:25:52alex
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 07:49:50Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 08:12:06Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:wellness and WITW strategies01/09/2003 15:40:26Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 17:40:33Robert Ballentine
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 04:05:12Berry Case
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 08:55:46Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:42:14Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 04:35:12John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 07:53:20Stephen Bray
                              Re::building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 10:34:51Sean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:37:23Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:56:12bill
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:32:38Sean
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 15:29:26sitdown
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:42:46Robert Ballentine
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:54:14Stephen Bray
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:32:29Sean

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