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Topic: Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies
Posted by: Ernest
Date/Time: 01/09/2003 07:49:50


Even though another thought you were off topic
I agree. Getting your body chemistry correct as Richard Bandler would say is one key of going
into a high performance state for yourself.Your request for help or advise now this is a important modeling application at work here as many NLP trainers are overweight!

My suggestion: get off the coffee and caffeine and find a diet that alkalizes you and brings your PH up to seven. Coffee is a dangerous
chemical as it stops the body from cleansing itself naturally and helps buld a state in the body called acidosis which 95 of the American
public is in.
This body state for your information Sean
holds toxins and waste in your body and does preventpromoting proper weight loss. You cannot have high energy if your body is living in an acidic state. Eastern culture understand more about this topic and have less chance of dying from cancer. Japanese diets are much more alkline based than Americans.

please watch the quality of water you drink (real spring water with a proper ph is important). You see Sean cancer has difficulty growing in a alkalized body. Most cancer patients have a acid count of 4.5 or 5 with little alkaline product in their body!

There are plenty of articles on this subject on the net. There is a new system out called Miracle Master, I am no way promoting this group but they do offer ph balanced water,soaps and other products to help you raise up your ph to a balanced level o seven and you can begin to
build a house hold with out chemicals in your food, water and cleaners.
You see many of the products we buy in a grocery store in America do have deadlytoxins and chemicals in it and 26 seconds after your body touches these chemicals they are in your blood system. Frightening stuff when you become conscious of it!

Good luck and great energy

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 05:16:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 08:46:07Stephen Bray
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:07:48Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 23:07:00Jim R
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:10:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies31/08/2003 15:25:52alex
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 07:49:50Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 08:12:06Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:wellness and WITW strategies01/09/2003 15:40:26Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 17:40:33Robert Ballentine
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 04:05:12Berry Case
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 08:55:46Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:42:14Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 04:35:12John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 07:53:20Stephen Bray
                              Re::building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 10:34:51Sean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:37:23Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:56:12bill
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:32:38Sean
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 15:29:26sitdown
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:42:46Robert Ballentine
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:54:14Stephen Bray
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:32:29Sean

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