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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:wellness and WITW strategies
Posted by: Ernest
Date/Time: 01/09/2003 15:40:26

Yes Stephen diets don't work people do but then again who know what the right diet is? But the body does have a chemistry and in WITW are we not discussing altering the chemistry in the mind and body by changing state using New Code games? Why not do the same with a .... People are dropping by flies in this country getting sick (with cancer, diabetes and heart disease) all over the place.  Unconsciously eating wrong foods and drinking lousy ACIDIC water.

Stephen I heard a rumor the WITW authors would like to get into building a more sounder  education process in this country. What this is about I have not heard them present publicly. But I do agree. Will they? Will I? Will you?

But now Stephen what is a more sounder practice than teaching and educating others in how to
get into their own HPS using there mind, emotions and body(diet and excercise) to do so?

Tony Robbins an old NLP guru is getting into this arena more lately. For more information on how or why (money of course) please read his August 31, 2003 article on how he is investing in a well ness factory (Twin Labs)and looking to re-change his empire. (New York Tines, Section B, page 1 ,The Guru of Potential).

Wake up out Stephen there is more to building performance or potential(behavior)
than just using New Code tools or your installed or uninstalled beliefs around on this web site? Do you know what alkaiZing your body means?I suggest if not you find out before evaluating me. Stephen it is a large positive chemical change  Mr Robbins has many ideas on how to program you into his wellness thinking using MP3 players. My research Stephen tells me alkalizing yourself with proper ph balanced water and eating orgranic's is the quiclest and cleanist way to go towards well-ness. Not Atkins a model of dieting I do not prescribe for any one.

And then after we get on the highway to better health we begin programming yourself for personal wellness and performance through New Code games. Of course it has to be our way. Our model. Our applications. Our own personal New Code game!

Or you could let Robbins do it for yea!


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 05:16:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 08:46:07Stephen Bray
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:07:48Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies30/08/2003 23:07:00Jim R
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:10:43Sean
     Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies31/08/2003 15:25:52alex
          Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 07:49:50Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 08:12:06Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:wellness and WITW strategies01/09/2003 15:40:26Ernest
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies01/09/2003 17:40:33Robert Ballentine
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 04:05:12Berry Case
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 08:55:46Stephen Bray
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:42:14Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 04:35:12John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 07:53:20Stephen Bray
                              Re::building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 10:34:51Sean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:37:23Sean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 11:56:12bill
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:32:38Sean
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 15:29:26sitdown
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:42:46Robert Ballentine
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies03/09/2003 13:54:14Stephen Bray
               Re:Re:Re:building a personal physical program to train others using WITW strategies02/09/2003 22:32:29Sean

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