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Topic: Use of
Posted by: Nick Dunton
Date/Time: 23/09/2003 16:50:52

I am currently researching a UK based study into the use of particular linguistic biases in mass communication by organisations (e.g. mission statements).

Can anybody suggest sources for validity studies into the use of NLP to enhance effectiveness in  communication? or better still written or mass communication of this type?

Also any anecdotal evidence of effective (or inneffective) interventions or training within organisations related to this issue, would be extremely useful.

Many thanks,

Nick Dunton

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Use of 23/09/2003 16:50:52Nick Dunton
     Re:Use of 24/09/2003 04:26:41Todd Sloane
          Re:Re:Use of 24/09/2003 13:33:35Nick Dunton
     Re:Use of 24/09/2003 05:05:50jim R
          Re:Re:Use of 24/09/2003 13:47:26Nick Dunton

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