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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State
Posted by: Jon Edwards
Date/Time: 23/10/2003 16:41:15


What motivated you to get out on the golf-course last time you played - perhaps you wanted to learn to putt better? What about the time before that - perhaps you wanted to improve your chipping? And the time before that - perhaps you just wanted some fresh air, and you ended up learning something anyway? And the time before that...? And each time, was your motivation the same when you started... when you were halfway through... when you decided to just take one more shot before going home? In each moment, were you motivated towards playing better, away from playing badly, or just by the process of playing and learning?

And if you try to make a generalisation across all those occasions, don't you lose some of the essence of each one? Isn't the joy of each learning slightly diluted, somehow? And if you try to generalise the motivation for that generalisation, don't you lose some more of the essence? And if you try to generalise some values out of that motivation - more dilution? And if you try to generalise a belief out of those values....? And that's just for you - if you try to then generalise across lots of people learning golf, and then across lots of people learning different sports... What's left of the original experiences?

Do you play/learn golf better when you're thinking about that big teetering pile of generalisations, or when you're just in the moment, in the experience, not-thinking, not-knowing?

Happy learning! :-)

Cheers, Jon

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 13:26:39GSM
     Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 15:08:22Jon Edwards
          Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 15:17:49GSM
               Re:Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 16:41:15Jon Edwards
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 17:15:48GSM
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State23/10/2003 18:33:15GSM
     Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State02/11/2003 12:20:30JPG
          Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State02/11/2003 15:21:13GSM
          Re:Re:Beliefs compared to Know Nothing State06/11/2003 02:42:01Todd

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