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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.
Posted by: Todd
Date/Time: 08/11/2003 02:49:02


Thank you for continuing to miss my point completely.

You make a lot of assumptions too. Namely that some kind of familiarity with something is necessary and secondly, if it in fact was, that I don't possess that familiarity.

Hey NJ! Check this one out:

"In response to my statement that you need a good grasp of informal logic in order to properly evaluate my arguments, you wrote:

(5) "No I don't...".

Given your statement in quote (5), I conclude that:

(6) You, Todd, think you don't need to learn, particularly learn college class material, about informal logic."

Can you imagine someone who purports to argue using any form of logic (let alone mixing them) would make such a conclusion! What a leap! But if you don't get it then you don't get it.

Check your premises! Check your premises! Check your premises!

But hey, implying that I don't have the requisite familiarity is a great way to avoid any substantive discussion. (Oh yes, NJ I KNOW you didn't actually say it) So is critiquing the critique.

You really don't know me, but getting into a debate about requisite coursework is not somewhere I am going to go. Nor is an endless loop of critiqing the critiquing of critiques. Why? Because it just doesn't matter. What you've studied, I've studied, or anyone else has in this context just doesn't matter. Your arguments still don't hold water.

In any case...

It is clear we are talking past each other and I am done. Hey, maybe it was performance art. If so, the shows over for me. I didn't realize the audience was irrelevant.

Signing off,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.31/10/2003 00:59:20nj
     Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.31/10/2003 01:22:14Derrick Hill
          Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.31/10/2003 20:38:54nj
               Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 03:08:58Derrick
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 04:30:17nj
     Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 04:13:09nj
          Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 11:07:36Rolls Anotherone
               Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 11:29:30Pete West
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 12:13:23Rolls Anotherone
               Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 22:34:25nj
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 23:30:01Pete West
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 23:42:31nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 23:48:14Pete West
               Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 22:43:10nj
          Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 12:49:48Jon Edwards
               Re:Re:Re:Correct application of categorical logic does not cause misuse of the either/or distinction.01/11/2003 23:17:21nj
          Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.03/11/2003 08:26:05nj
               Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.05/11/2003 04:24:36Todd
                    Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.06/11/2003 22:21:29nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.07/11/2003 05:11:33Todd
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.07/11/2003 22:10:10nj
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.08/11/2003 02:49:02Todd
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.08/11/2003 06:56:57nj
               Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.05/11/2003 05:04:28Todd
                    Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.06/11/2003 21:16:11nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.06/11/2003 22:14:49Todd
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Categorical Logic & Either/Or. Topic: Epistemology.06/11/2003 23:10:59nj

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