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Topic: Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!
Posted by: Victor Rathbone
Date/Time: 12/09/2002 12:08:01

Dear Thomas,

You obviously have not seen the movie by the same name, starring Jack Nicholson, among others. Very funny movie. Of course the Martians invade Earth and because they cannot speak Earth languages there are subtitles translating what they are saying. If you have a chance, rent it!!!

Personally, I was present at this seminar (or one very similar and I am hallucinating you as the only Thomas participating) and I found it enjoyable, entertaining and a learning experience.

How? Well, for me learning is at its best when combined with healthy doses of laughing and unexpected twists and turns. I never know where the next "learning experience" is coming from. I learn many times simply by watching the world go by, doing things, sharing a joke with friends, etc, etc, etc...

In this particular setting (Hypnosis seminar) I learned a lot by observing Lenny Darnell, in particular, his own state management, his conversational trance inductions and in general his presentation and rapport building skills, with an Austrian audience. No easy task!!!

From my personal experience, most Austrian audiences (yes, Thomas, this is a generalisation), like their learning experience to be relatively DIGITAL, SERIOUS and TO THE POINT. No time for a laugh in the seminar context, until the seminar leader manages to "break through" and elicit some spontenaous reaction, like laughter.

The other IMPORTANT learning experience was that I managed to ignore my inner dialogue, you know Thomas, that little voice inside, saying: "This is a joke, these people are not in a trance, they are just "acting (out)".

Learning can take place when we least expect it and most certainly does.

Best regards,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hypnosis as an Application of NLP03/09/2002 15:42:47Thomas
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP03/09/2002 17:34:54kc
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP04/09/2002 01:06:20Carmen Bostic and John Grinder
          Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP05/09/2002 13:30:35Pam Brenner
               Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP05/09/2002 17:18:53Jim R
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP05/09/2002 18:30:40Pam
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP05/09/2002 18:47:11The Black Phantom
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP06/09/2002 05:12:12Pam
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP06/09/2002 14:23:34Jim R
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP07/09/2002 01:46:44Pam
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP03/09/2003 00:50:27julie H
                                             Re:An Application 03/09/2003 10:50:12Fredo
                                   Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP10/09/2002 11:25:18ThomasR
               Hypnosis as an Application of NLP - Pam10/09/2002 11:22:28ThomasR
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP08/09/2002 19:36:50Ron Klein, Cert. Trainer NLP & APA approved hynosis training provider
          Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP08/09/2002 23:13:21Michael Carroll
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP10/09/2002 10:29:42ThomasR
          Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP23/04/2003 17:13:34Robin Manuell
     Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!11/09/2002 18:19:42angelica berlage
          Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!12/09/2002 08:41:59Thomas
               Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!12/09/2002 12:07:44Victor Rathbone
               Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!12/09/2002 12:08:01Victor Rathbone
                    Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP12/09/2002 13:08:17Thomas
               Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!12/09/2002 13:06:52angelica berlage
                    Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!12/09/2002 13:21:19Thomas
                    Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP/ MARS ATTACKS !!!23/04/2003 17:19:14Robin Manuell
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP10/02/2003 17:53:01Yvonne
          Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP10/02/2003 18:33:51yvonne
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP10/02/2003 17:57:23Yvonne
     Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP19/04/2003 22:38:30Tatina
          Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP23/04/2003 20:19:12Jim R
               Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP23/04/2003 20:56:56John Schertzer
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP24/04/2003 08:10:15Thomas
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP24/04/2003 18:03:13Tatina
               Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP24/04/2003 17:54:22Tatina
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Hypnosis as an Application of NLP04/09/2003 02:56:53Jim R

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