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Topic: Ecology of Emergence
Posted by: Keith
Date/Time: 25/05/2004 06:51:56

Hi Carmen, John & Thomas,

What came to mind when I read "Steps to an Ecology of Emergence" is that we obviously have no direct control over what emerges as a consequence of "parts or components" interacting (Mind is an aggregate of interacting parts or components. GB).  As a part or component of Mind we each influence other parts or components of Mind through behaviour that models either skills that increase the range of possibilities from which a person can choose and how to explore each possibility (Intention/Outcome/Consequences, Perceptual Positions, etc.,), or, behaviour that models constraints; limited skills and no skill in expanding a model of the world that is mostly unconscious to the person.

If an individual is aware of his/her dependence on the systems that sustain him/her then there is a greater likelihood that his/her behaviour will be action chosen after ecological consideration.  His/her influence on Mind, then, will increase the likelihood of an emergent phenomenon; a coherent, high technology culture.

Is this close to what you are attempting to get across?


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ecology of Emergence25/05/2004 06:51:56Keith
     Re:Ecology of Emergence25/05/2004 13:40:24Amiclar
          Re:Re:Ecology of Emergence - the link works fine25/05/2004 16:10:26spiff
     Re:Ecology of Emergence25/05/2004 17:34:32John Grinder
          I'd like to ask you a question.27/05/2004 19:40:08nj
               Re:I'd like to ask you a question.27/05/2004 20:35:41e_lie
          Re:Re:Ecology of Emergence27/05/2004 21:44:48Michael Carroll

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