Forum Message

Topic: messengers and messages
Posted by: kc
Date/Time: 11/10/2002 17:47:56

I just read a great line written in Whispering and would like to re-share to all.

"Caveat:Messengers incongruent with the message they purport to bear are not listened to, nor should they be"

You go on to say "We shall see"

John and Carmen I love this!

thanks and have a great weekend!

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
messengers and messages 11/10/2002 17:47:56kc
     massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:39:21Cave Eater
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:53:27stumped
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 14:29:21Jim R
               Re:Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 15:09:31Stumped
                    fluff sandwich16/10/2002 22:07:18Johnny b Good
               Begin with the end in Mind?16/10/2002 22:09:22someone
                    ReReReRe:Begin with the end in Mind?17/10/2002 00:44:08sammy
     Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 12:46:37Ian
          Re:Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 22:14:12kc
               Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 17/10/2002 12:22:56Ian
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 13:33:24kc
                         ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:22:14sammy
                              ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:36:21kc
                                   ReRe:ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 21/10/2002 00:40:26sammy

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