Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages
Posted by: Ian
Date/Time: 17/10/2002 12:22:56

Hi Karl

I agree about it being in the eye of the beholder but that's kind of inevitable. A bit like the way people talk about subjective experience - what other type of experience is there?

Restricting my response to the NLP context my own evaluation of congruence is very simple: do I see/hear/feel/read behavioural demonstrations of the message being delivered.

For example : listening to a trainer using boring monotone delivery to talk about the importance of vocal range in training = incongruent (unless the boredom was a deliberate (high risk) outcome to illustrate the point!).

For example : listening to a trainer using his/her vocal range to induce several different states while talking about the importance of vocal range = congruent.

.. and so on in regard to any message

Unless an NLP advocate can physically demonstrate or has actually achieved what he/she is claiming (or has concrete evidence of someone else achieving it) then for me congruence is lacking.

One of the barriers to NLP being more widely respected (which is what I would personally like to see) is the unsubstantiated hype with which it is often promoted. Promoters of that type of hype are then easy (and correctly) targets for allegations of incongruence. 


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
messengers and messages 11/10/2002 17:47:56kc
     massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:39:21Cave Eater
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 04:53:27stumped
          Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 14:29:21Jim R
               Re:Re:massaging messengers can be messy16/10/2002 15:09:31Stumped
                    fluff sandwich16/10/2002 22:07:18Johnny b Good
               Begin with the end in Mind?16/10/2002 22:09:22someone
                    ReReReRe:Begin with the end in Mind?17/10/2002 00:44:08sammy
     Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 12:46:37Ian
          Re:Re:messengers and messages 16/10/2002 22:14:12kc
               Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 17/10/2002 12:22:56Ian
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 13:33:24kc
                         ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:22:14sammy
                              ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 18/10/2002 16:36:21kc
                                   ReRe:ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:messengers and messages 21/10/2002 00:40:26sammy

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