Forum Message

Posted by: Web Master
Date/Time: 06/11/2002 15:15:29

Dear anonymous visitor,

Your post full to the brim with hallucinations so at least there is no need for me to reply on a content level.

Like Hall, - your post does not meet the criteria of what is relevant and welcome in this forum. So please follow the guide lines I have specified for relevancy. If the guidelines do not suit you, go and play in another forum. It really is that simple.

Hall has his own forum you know. Although you wont be able to be anonymous there, there will not be as many calls for you to be relevant.   .

Just for you, I state below the guide lines  please read and BE RELEVANT

Michael Carroll
Web Master


Please make sure your post falls into one of the following categories.

1. Modeling
2. Applications
3. New Code
4. Proposed Solutions to Puzzles and Recommendations
5. Origins and Definitions
6. Epistemology

A new category is unfolding at the moment about NLP Pattern database design.

To use a topic John and Carmen refer to a lot in NLP I will define the above topics as different logical types of NLP discussion that occur in this forum. With the exception to a M Hall thread, the majority fit into the categories above. What contributors have not done is specify the category they are making their posts in. In a lot of cases contributors unleash their questions usually to John and the posts contain several of the above categories or logical type. When other people join the thread, they do so in the category (logical type) that interests them and so the thread fragments. To solve this, I would urge contributors to specify the category that best describes their post and that when people reply they do so in the same category.

So a relevant post is one that

1. Has a category from the list I have stated, specified in the first line of the post and preferably in the title as well.

2. The contents of the post cleanly fits the category that describes it.
3. If quoting some work conducted by another developer/modeller/ researcher – references specifically the book or web site that research can be found on.

By contrast a post that is not relevant or welcome is one

1. In any way does not meet the criteria for relevant posts.
2. That just rubbishes another person’s post with no specific argument to support disagreement.
3. Calls for more action in the forum or NLP field, but specifies no action or solution in the post itself.

When this forum was set up John and Carmen specified they wanted a forum that was accessible to all and forum that had no membership criteria. All are welcome here, there is no extensive log in protocol, it’s easy to post here. John and Carmen request I am hands off as web master, and makes only minimal interventions. So it’s all very easy for people to be heard and make a CONTRIBUTION. Because of web technology it’s even quite easy to interact with the co creator of NLP. John and Carmen have made enormous efforts in making detailed replies to people. So lets respect the openess.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Response to John's 05/11/2002 07:43:25L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
     RELEVANCY 05/11/2002 11:18:22Web Master
          Re:RELEVANCY 06/11/2002 04:43:11laughing
               Re:Re:RELEVANCY 06/11/2002 15:15:29Web Master
     Re:Response to John's 05/11/2002 11:48:51Zhi Zhi Chien
          Re:Re:Response to John's 05/11/2002 12:21:12Anon
               Love it06/11/2002 01:43:58Zaphod
               ReReReReRe:Re:Re:Response to Michaels response06/11/2002 03:19:46Robin
                    ReReReReReReReReReRe: In response to Michaels response06/11/2002 13:10:25ernie
                         Re:ReReReReReReReReReRe: In response to Michaels response06/11/2002 14:18:22robin
     Re:Response to John's 05/11/2002 14:14:41Tone

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