Forum Message

Topic: Re:Here's looking at you,kid.
Posted by: thepropagandist
Date/Time: 07/11/2002 23:34:55

John Grinder, "I invented meta-programs to amuse Richard Bandler."

I'd like to hear more about this from Dr. Grinder, please...I heard a different story of how about Meta-Programs came to be.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Here's looking at you,kid.07/11/2002 20:27:49Zhi Zhi Chien
     Re:Here's looking at you,kid.07/11/2002 23:34:55thepropagandist
          Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 00:12:11Zhi Zhi Chien
               Re:Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 00:44:17thepropagandist
     ReReReReRe: Here's maybe looking at you,kid.08/11/2002 01:04:16The Procrasinater
     Re:Here's looking at you,kid.04/01/2003 01:41:23nj
          Re:Re:Here's looking at you,kid ( wind disorders)04/01/2003 04:28:50Zhi Zhi Chien

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