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Topic: Exemplars and Modelling
Posted by: Loren Larsen
Date/Time: 19/12/2002 09:06:39

Hello Carmen and John,

As I am beginning to do more modelling a dilemma appears to be emerging and that is simply that the individual being modelled may not necessarily like the model I construct. 

Have you had the experience of modelling someone and then once they are presented with the model you constructed are not all that pleased with what you come up with?  While there are a wide number of reasons I think people would have that response.  The one I'm particularly interested in at the moment is when they think you didn't really get it.

Once presented with this response there appear to be a number of choices:
1) You didn't get it and their response is a challenge to double check.
2) You did get it and they aren't very receptive to seeing their "sophisticated" behavior reduced to something relatively simple.

As I'm writing this it occurs to me that perhaps I should model someone who can ask questions more briefly...but since I haven't found that person yet I'll forge ahead...

In the situation above: How often do you really show the exemplar the final coding?  Do you avoid this?  If you ever do present it is there any special framing you do to avoid reactions like what I described above?  (Assuming it's an issue for you).

I'll finish up by following up on a question I asked you a few months ago where I had identified some skills in a person I was working with collaboratively in a business project that I desired to model.  I appreciate the advice you offered.  Prior to being able to make those explicit arrangements with this individual I simply began copying his behavior in every closely related context in which I found myself operating (outside of his presence).  I quickly found myself already replicating the interesting pieces of behavior as well as the results I wanted.  I have now entered contexts in which I play the role this individual played in the original context and another individual is playing the role I was playing in the original context and have achieved very similar results.  I should also add that I believe that by manipulating various variables I have vastly simplified and streamlined the original behaviors I observed that I liked so much.  This is very pleasing.

The individual in question has achieved considerable notoriety and recognition in their specific field of endeavour and I believe that I've now been able to model the key behaviors that would enable me to achieve similarly...if I shared those same objectives.  Either way what I've learned is quite valuable.  I have not completed the coding phase to my personal satisfaction yet. 

What has surprised me as I've manipulated various variables is that there is only a small portion of this persons behavior that is actually required to achieve the goal.  Much of the rest is not only unhelpful, but quite unpleasant to experience.  Since I never made any explicit arrangements to model this individual I have merely mimicked his behavior and altered various aspects of it in order to simplify and filter out less than useful bits, I'm reluctant to have an explicit conversation with him about it.  So while this person's behavior does appear to many to be highly effective and successful it's my distinct impression that he could be even more successful and enjoy the process far more using the more efficient model.  It may not be ecological to have any sort of explicit discussion about the topic.  Can you make any suggestions here about the ethics or ecology of offering back a simplified model to an exemplar?

Thanks for all your help.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Exemplars and Modelling19/12/2002 09:06:39Loren Larsen
     Re:Exemplars and Modelling19/12/2002 10:58:35Lewis Walker
          Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 05:38:37Loren Larsen
               Re:Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 15:05:40Lewis Walker
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 19:48:41Loren Larsen
     Re:Exemplars and Modelling19/12/2002 18:01:25John Grinder
          Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 03:41:22Loren Larsen
     Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 00:45:46Harlan Kilstein
          Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 02:18:39John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 03:40:25Harlan Kilstein
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Exemplars and Modelling20/12/2002 06:38:59John Grinder

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