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Topic: modeling a group
Posted by: oleg dashevskii
Date/Time: 06/02/2003 09:14:40

Hello John, Carmen,

no other NLP book raised so many questions in me as did Whispering.
Well, I find it superb.

My first question would be about modeling. Let us consider
the unconscious uptake phase, which distincts modeling as in NLP
from any other modeling.

Unfortunately I haven't got the book near me just now, so I'll rely
upon my memory. Two times within the description of this phase
you make a remark that the genius modeled could be either an
individual or a team. As for individual, things are more or less clear.
But modeling a team... how specifically?

For example, take a highly successful team of, say, 5 people.
In many cases the interaction between team members is so tight
that we cannot just dissect their work into roles they would play.
Soccer game would suffice as an adequate example, where really good
players are not just defenders or half-back but they participate actively
in the whole game. In other words, their roles overlap.

How should one model that? Should one take assign one modeler pro one team
member, so 5 modelers, and each of them would unconsciously uptake
patterning from their party? Or should every modeler uptake patterning from
every team member?

There isn't any serious methodological problem when you discover
such patterning from the 3rd position explicitly but if we accept your
proposal that explicit coding should occur only after unconscious uptake
is finished we just cannot move to the 3rd position in this phase, can we?

By the way, in the description, how should one attest that he's OK with
unconscious uptake you mention some clients. I think the description
should be refined because in many activities there's just no clients
involved. Who would be the client if we modeled a tennis player?

One more point. If we are willing to model some specific activity
that requires a thorough background in its field? Maybe some engineering
activity, for example, bridge construction (that would naturally be
rather content model than a process one. I know that also in this field
well-known things such as creativity, decision-making, etc. are most of all
involved but here we turn to specific issues). Should modeler educate
oneself in this field before unconscious uptake or not?

And what's your attitude towards such content models? Do you
propose not to deal with 'em at all in the field of NLP? From my point of
view, some more cautions should be given in the description of modeling
phases regarding this issue.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
modeling a group06/02/2003 09:14:40oleg dashevskii
     Re:modeling a group06/02/2003 22:23:02John Grinder
          Re:Re:modeling a group07/02/2003 19:12:07oleg dashevskii
               Re:Re:Re:modeling a group07/02/2003 21:57:22John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:modeling a group18/02/2003 07:07:47oleg dashevskii
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:modeling a group19/02/2003 03:43:56John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:modeling a group19/02/2003 07:34:46oleg dashevskii
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:modeling a group19/02/2003 09:38:46Jon Edwards
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:modeling a group19/02/2003 16:52:58John Grinder
          Re:Re:modeling a group08/02/2003 20:56:47Robert
               Re:Re:Re:modeling a group09/02/2003 15:55:48John Grinder

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