Forum Message

Topic: Contexts of Discovery
Posted by: Ryan Nagy
Date/Time: 07/03/2003 02:39:27

John - I've enjoyed reading your narrative of the events leading up to your collaboration with Richard Bandler (Whispering, p140 +). Somehow, the story makes you "more real" and the process of discovery (in general) more accessible.

One thing that I am curious about is your relationship with Bateson prior to and during the times that you described. Did you have any professional contact with him or exhange of ideas before you and Richard began colloborating? Had Richard Bandler taken a class with him or had contact with him in anyway? Was his writing or work an impetus for your initial efforts? I'm not asking you to restate anything from Whispering. I'm curious if there is additional information you might be willing to share to help people have a more complete picture of those times and glean more of the intellectual antecedants of NLP (and if nothing else, I wouldn't mind hearing  a good story!)



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Contexts of Discovery07/03/2003 02:39:27Ryan Nagy
     Re:Contexts of Discovery07/03/2003 02:56:31Kevin
          Re:Re:Contexts of Discovery10/03/2003 02:13:37John Grinder
     My mistake!07/03/2003 04:42:07Ryan Nagy
     Re:Contexts of Discovery07/03/2003 04:45:23John Grinder
          Re:Re:Contexts of Discovery10/03/2003 01:54:05Ryan Nagy
     Jhon Grinder Choreographer07/03/2003 23:57:15Raśl Platas
     Bateson Articles/website14/12/2003 22:33:25Ryan Nagy
          Re:Bateson Articles/website15/12/2003 00:46:56Pete West
               Re:Re:Bateson Articles/website15/12/2003 08:01:29Pete West

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