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Topic: use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement
Posted by: John
Date/Time: 24/06/2002 22:24:34


I'm just now reading through Part II(Eye of the Storm) and find the story of modeling and testing that you,Richard and Frank did (of Perl's and Satirs patterns) to be quite fascinating.

God I'd wish I'd been there!!. Unfortunately I was in high school at the time and probably wouldn't have appreciated the work you did as much as I do now:)

anyway, If someone were to now approach you with the outcome of improving their eyesight, would you still do a six step reframe (repeating the work you did with Maribeth(p. 135)or would you you go about that differently now?

Jim R
Houston TX

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement24/06/2002 22:24:34John
     Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement30/06/2002 18:38:50John Grinder
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement01/07/2002 20:12:48Jim R
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement02/07/2002 01:16:27Michael Carroll
               Re:Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement02/07/2002 18:57:10John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement03/07/2002 01:24:39Michael Carroll
     Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement30/06/2002 19:04:03Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:use of 6 step reframe and vision improvement01/07/2002 20:09:57Jim R

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