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Topic: internal dialogue
Posted by: John P.
Date/Time: 26/06/2002 19:29:02

John & Carmen,
From my understanding of the New Code games, stopping-the-world in "Turtles" and Castenada, NLP's "up-time" state, Eastern traditions (Zen, etc.) and my own direct experience from playing with the above, it appears one common characteristic of all these high performance states is the lack of internal dialogue.

In your modelling projects, have you found any examples of contexts where internal dialogue contributes to higher performance rather than inhibiting it?

I think I remember hearing you say on a tape of one of your seminars that you no longer have any internal dialogue.  Is that still the case?

Lastly, if the lack of internal dialogue is desirable for high performance states (and maybe even all the time depending on your answers to my questions above) how could I learn to do that?
I'm trying to move my attention to another sense every time I hear my internal dialogue, but it hasn't really produced much change so far.

Thank you for your time,
John P.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
internal dialogue26/06/2002 19:29:02John P.
     Re:internal dialogue27/06/2002 04:05:55Michael Carroll
     Re:internal dialogue30/06/2002 19:06:04John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:internal dialogue28/04/2003 15:25:22Terry Hayler
               Re:Re:Re:internal dialogue28/04/2003 22:51:49Thomas

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