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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work
Posted by: Mitch
Date/Time: 23/05/2003 04:39:13


Thank you for your replies. You wrote:

"The structure (form and sequence) you report seem fine. Here are a couple of possibilities: in your instructions to the client, do you indicate in steps 1, 2 and 4 that he was NOT to consciously select anything different (desired state), simply notice what occurred (self-calibration and with respect to the stimuli that define the context selected). Did you ensure that the client found the auditory and visual stimuli in step 4 that define the context selected? - your description of the integration phase would indicate that you did."

I forgot to supply you the information you asked.

1. When I helped the client set up the spatial anchor I got him to stand on a piece of paper, close his eyes, and think in detail about all the contexts in his life where he wanted a new solution, rather than his problem. I told him to see them vividly, to imagine himself being there, hear any internal dialogue etc. It looked like a rather unplesant state by the look on his face and the slump of his body!

2. My client didn't know what was going to happen later. ie: we hadn't talked about anything to do with desired states. I helped him set up the spatial anchor. Then in the middle of the game, when I thought he was fully in the flow state, I pushed him back quickly on to the spatial anchor. The flow state had significant residue and so transferred easily onto the spatial anchor. I gave him no further intstructions other than to close his eyes and think about what he was thinking about before while he was on that spatial anchor, marked by a piece of paper. I assumed my verbals were unnecasary becuase the spatial anchor was so strong.

Also, I notice the physiology one gets when collapsing anchors. It was a very strong collapsing, at least, from what I could percieve.

I didn't test the integration after wards by asking him to think of the problem state. Rather, as I said, I immediately ended the appointment without comment.

I will do my best to see him and find out more,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Alphabet game didn't work20/05/2003 00:22:44Mitch
     Re:Alphabet game didn't work20/05/2003 05:59:12Mitch
     Re:Alphabet game didn't work20/05/2003 16:25:14John Grinder
          Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work22/05/2003 13:57:46Mitch
               Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work22/05/2003 15:04:21John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work23/05/2003 04:39:13Mitch
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work23/05/2003 18:05:03John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work24/05/2003 16:34:40kc
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work26/05/2003 01:26:08Jae
                                   Question to John Grinder27/05/2003 11:06:56Golf Swing Modeler
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alphabet game didn't work27/05/2003 18:53:08John Grinder
     Re:Alphabet game didn't work24/05/2003 09:57:24JPG

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