Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:
Posted by: John Schertzer
Date/Time: 05/09/2003 21:27:29

A friend of mine still suffers the repercussions of an attempt to surgically alter his epilepsy.  Other people I know have been set back because of their experiences with licensed psychotherapists, doctors, chiropractors, and yes, hypnotists.  You're getting yourself in muddy water if you want to play that game.  And NLP is not a "tool within hypnosis," though it has have some hypnotic applications.

How can a bureaucracy have or enforce integrity?  That's like having Chef Boy-Ar-Dee running quality control on meatballs in Italy.  I'm making my own meatballs in my own little meatball factory underground.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By 04:37:23Zhi Zhi Chien
     Re: 05:34:43Stephen
          Re:Re: 05:51:51Zhi Zhi Chien
          Re:Re: 14:01:35sid
     Re: 06:37:11Zhi Zhi Chien
          Re:Re: 17:21:03John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re: 17:25:22Zhi Zhi Chien
     Re: 17:56:27George Bishop
     Re: 17:59:38George Bishop
     Re: 18:08:11George Bishop
          Re:Re: 19:33:03t
          Re:Re: 21:27:29John Schertzer
               Re:stealing attention and the ghosts of NLP06/09/2003 00:11:02Anthony
          Re:Re: 21:50:05Ryan Nagy
               Re:Re:Re: 01:48:12t
                    Re:Re:Re:Re: 02:08:46Ryan Nagy
               Re:Re:Re: 16:40:40Anthony
                    Re:Re:Re:Re: 21:24:43Ms. Sally
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: 03:06:35Mark
          Re:Re: 21:22:15Spike

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