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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis
Posted by: Anthony
Date/Time: 14/11/2003 09:07:29


You wrire, "Whose better than Milton or Richard
or John or even Stephen or heaven forbid Anthony."? But rather how might I use what I have read in order to advance my personal skills in hypnosis, or even as a human being."

Steohen at this time I must say I do not exactly understand what you wrote on one level. However on another level I am sure I understand what you wrote completely!

Stephen I giggle when I see others SPEND THEIR PRECIOUS TIME worrying about who was or is the best or has the best style. You might like Brooks Brothers suits to go to work in and I might like Polo shirts and Khaki's . So whose going to have a a better day?

My minor estimation on all this. Entertainment is the highest held commodity in this country at present moment. The best hypnotist's in this world are the entertainment media people. Example: in the US  we spend over 90 billion dollars yearly on entertainment. Yet we only spend 10 billion on new books and 20% of that book reading is nonfiction and probally half or more of the books bought are not read because the book buyers are are too damm busy allowing others to entertain them daily and end up deciding they do not have time to read the expensive book they bought.

Scary stuff! Stephen I ask you has has this art form become the new American education system subliminally? So I then ask myself can a fine LITTLE INTROVERTED discipline like NLP or New Code on a major scale compete with such a powerful media platform?

I think we be all too provincial in our thinking to start thinking a LITTLE discipline like NLP could personally change this hypnotic phenomena being delivered scientifically
over the air waves!

have a nice day Stephen!

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 10:34:34GSM
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 15:02:20Sam Blackbird
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 19:28:40GSM
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 19:30:24GSM
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 16:10:01George
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 19:29:03nj
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 19:31:22GSM
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis08/11/2003 20:12:27doug
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 13:24:16Sam Blackbird
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 16:27:02wc
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 16:29:41Omar
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 16:50:43GSM
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 19:26:13Omar
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 21:06:14GSM
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 22:06:57Omar
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 23:06:43GSM
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 19:54:10Anthony
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis09/11/2003 22:32:31Macy Kirkpatrick
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis10/11/2003 19:16:00John Schertzer
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis10/11/2003 19:36:11GSM
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis10/11/2003 19:45:38John Schertzer
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis10/11/2003 21:35:34GSM
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis11/11/2003 14:33:47John Schertzer
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis10/11/2003 23:41:34Anthony
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis11/11/2003 11:02:02JPG
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis11/11/2003 17:54:44John Schertzer
     Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis13/11/2003 07:56:27Keith
          Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis13/11/2003 13:32:17Stephen Bray
               Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis14/11/2003 09:07:29Anthony
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis15/11/2003 22:27:19Robin
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis16/11/2003 10:47:26Tony
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Milton Model and Hypnosis16/11/2003 13:54:29Robin

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