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Topic: Re:New code games
Posted by: Loren Larsen
Date/Time: 24/01/2004 04:17:15

Hi Darrell,

I do not have a direct answer to your question about a description of the NASA game. 

There is a description on one of John's tapeset's from the 1980's that very closely resembles the new code games people are discussing here.  I believe it is "Advanced Modelling" but I can't say for sure.  These tapes are available from  All of those tapesets are very interesting.  Some years back when I was leading an NLP study group, we copied the exercises from the tapes with quite good effect (in our opinion).

For more information on what Dr. Tabb does there are a couple of other written sources that I am aware of.  Dr. Tabb used to work with a man named Robert C. Pepper (yes Dr. Pepper) whose work sounds very similar to what Tabb now calls PST.  I have no idea of how Tabb and Pepper's work are different.

Pepper wrote a book called "A Multi-sensory Approach to Processing Information & Learning" (Dr. Tabb wrote the Introduction to the book).  It describes a number of games as well as his basic underlying theories and the goals of the "games" he plays.  To what extent it's related to New Code NLP games I can't say.  The book is available from the Optometric Extension Program (

In addition there is a fairly detailed description by Jacob Liberman of his work with Dr. Pepper and how it affected both his vision and his learning disabilities in the book "Take Off Your Glasses and See".  (available on 

While I haven't taken New Code training nor PST training I have read as much as I can about both and experimented quite a bit.  The descriptions in these books may be helpful in learning how to execute some of the games in New Code.  The use of the New Code games seems very different to me than the original context that Tabb/Pepper use them.  Without knowing the design variables John has used in contructing New Code games it may be difficult to correctly apply the PST work in the way John and Carmen intend.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
New code games12/01/2004 14:09:37Darrell Brown
     Re:New code games13/01/2004 13:46:14Pete West
          Re:Re:New code games14/01/2004 09:28:11Darrell
               'NASA game'? X-|14/01/2004 12:54:14Pete West
               Re:Re:Re:New code games14/01/2004 13:25:33Pete West
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:New code games19/01/2004 14:50:57Darrell Brown
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New code games23/01/2004 10:07:19Pete West
     Re:New code games24/01/2004 04:17:15Loren Larsen
          Re: Behavioral Vision24/01/2004 10:41:30Pete West
               Re:Re: Behavioral Vision24/01/2004 12:16:02Pete West

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