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Topic: Re Re ReTo MC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers
Posted by: KC
Date/Time: 12/09/2002 00:20:47

To Michael Carroll,

In regards to modeling sales managers and salesmen:

In early August we held a meeting in Dallas. There was 24 people at the meeting 16 sales/salesmangers 2 Sr Vice presidents and our CFO and his accounting staff and the President of 40% of our company which does approximately 18 billion in total retail sales.

Bruce my boss was the host at the Texas speedway meeting. Bruce and I Michael before our meeting discussed informally the possibility of building a new more coherent sales model for our company so to start all 16 of us made a sales presentation explaining what we do in our sales territory to our peers and to upper management in Dallas. Now we where all given a binder on the last day of our meeting with all the sales presentations included to review. As our people presented I asked alot of Meta model questions, I also used some hypnotic inductions covertly and took more specific notes on each reps favorite rep systems, use of modal operaters, their favorite meta programs, timelines etc.

Being Michael I cannot formally be the boss I have decided to go informally deeper into this company teaching others NLP sales attitudes and applications hypnotically without the title. It has been a quicker and easier ride for me and the reps and the Bruce's of the company are responding quicker and quicker to my suggestions so why stop a good thing!I will continue.......

So far Michael Bruce and I have decided to have each of our salespeople travel and make sales calls with some of their nearby peers three days at a time in the following months.  So across the states we will ride with two designated  sales people see and hear upfront in person how each other works and performs in their territory. Michael all sales people then need to report back to Bruce and myself on a conference call or perhaps a formal meeting what they thought they saw and heard on the other sales persons sales calls

......As I told BRUCE This experience will give us more oppurtunity to build a more precise sales model and see our sales world from a differnt position which going forward will make a difference in all our performancec.

Michael I also have talked Bruce who is new in our division into allowing me too set up a review on his sales and manager performance for the first 8 months of 2002. I have asked all our sales people to get involved in this project and help me review Bruce and I am in charge of compiling the data(hey,hey,fun,fun,fun!)) and communicating back to Bruce.


As always suggestions are always welcome because two intelligent minds together are faster and quicker than one!

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
To KC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers08/09/2002 23:33:21Michael Carroll
     ReRe:To KC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers10/09/2002 00:24:45kc
          Re:ReRe:To KC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers10/09/2002 10:01:21Michael Carroll
     Re Re ReTo MC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers12/09/2002 00:20:47KC
          ReRe:Re Re ReTo Michael Carroll. re. sales and models28/09/2002 12:39:54kc
               Re:ReRe:Re Re ReTo Michael Carroll. re. sales and models30/09/2002 09:32:06Michael Carroll
          Re:Re Re ReTo MC. re. modelling sales people and sales managers30/09/2002 03:16:42Jim R
               ReRe:Re:Re Re ReRe. modelling sales people and sales managers30/09/2002 13:37:02kc
                    ReRe:ReRe:Re:Re Re ReRe. modelling sales people and sales managers30/09/2002 13:48:55kc
                    Re:ReRe:Re:Re Re ReRe. modelling sales people and sales managers30/09/2002 14:31:22Jim R
                         Re:Re:ReRe:Re:Re Re ReReRe: modelling sales people and sales managers30/09/2002 14:47:43kc

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