Forum Message

Topic: RE:New Code, NLP and competition
Posted by: Ivan T. Popopski
Date/Time: 27/03/2004 19:43:23

Dear John Grinder,

Reading your exciting book "Whispering in the wind" something came to mind.

It seems to me there is too much competition now in NLP or on your web si\te compared to when the you worked together with Dr.Bandler.

I have explored and read some of your early books and it never seemed to me you two competed MUCH (even though its Bandler and Grinder not visa versa) but you both seemed to enjoy the
high exploration/experiential times.

Competition in your America seems to be at a premium as America seems to be holding
competing against others as a high priority. Examples are of course struggles for American power internationally as well when it come to many other things including consumer buying,politics,sports, sending American newsout etc.

Dr Grinder, what does your New Code infer about competition? Is it a useful filter?

excuse my English?
Ivan P.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
RE:New Code, NLP and competition27/03/2004 19:43:23Ivan T. Popopski
     Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition28/03/2004 08:15:07Stephen Murrish
          Re:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition28/03/2004 17:31:18Ryan Nagy
               Re:Re:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition29/03/2004 04:21:04Stephen Murrish
          ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition29/03/2004 13:45:06Ivan T Poposki
               Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition30/03/2004 04:16:50Eman Seaman
                    Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition30/03/2004 05:50:30Keith
                         Re:Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition30/03/2004 11:01:55Ivan T. Popopski
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition04/04/2004 18:03:44John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition30/03/2004 18:38:31Charlie Conklin
                    Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition31/03/2004 09:01:59Stephen Murrish
               Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition31/03/2004 08:56:48Stephen Murrish
                    Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition31/03/2004 13:10:16Eman Seaman
                         Re:Re:Re:ReReReRe:Re:RE:New Code, NLP and competition01/04/2004 10:41:17Stephen Murrish
     Re:RE: competition vs collaboration31/03/2004 23:15:19Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:RE: competition vs collaboration02/04/2004 04:44:04kc
               American slogans: competition vs collaboration02/04/2004 05:06:45Anthony
                    Re:American slogans: competition vs collaboration02/04/2004 08:58:54Stephen Murrish
               Re:Re:Re:RE: competition vs collaboration06/04/2004 00:32:24Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:RE: competition vs collaboration02/04/2004 09:18:36Charlie Conklin
          Re:Re:RE: competition vs collaboration04/04/2004 12:06:07JPG
               Re:Re:Re:RE: competition vs collaboration04/04/2004 23:16:09Dave Ericksen

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