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Topic: Re:A question about NLPmodelling
Posted by: Mark MacLean
Date/Time: 02/08/2004 09:12:37

Greetings Robert,

I enjoyed your questions, and here are my thoughts for your consideration:

To your first question: "Where would I sit (or stand) in relation to the artist? I would not want to distract (or dare I say "annoy") them from their work."

A: In a place that wasn't distracting, or (annoying) them from their work, of course! (but enough of being a smart ass)...;-)

It's seems your questions pre-supposes (at least) two outcomes (and wanting more information about achieving them):
1) How/where to best calibrate, capture and replicate the MMMs.
2) How to best support/maintain the ongoing quality of the performance (of the model).

Presuming I've caught the intention of your first question, then I've got a few questions. Is one outcome inclusive of the other (logical levels)? Can they be? Is it possible to be in both the best location for calibrating/replicating AND supporting/maintaining the performance simultaneously? Also importantly, how would you know you were achieving these two outcomes?

Here are some suggestions, to be tested for their merit, and/or are open to other modeler's feedback based on their experience.

First, Model selection; It might be ideal to choose a model that isn't easily, distracted/annoyed. As I think I've heard mentioned (by John on this website?), precisely this ability to "focus", is one of the consistent commonalities among high quality performers.

Second, Framing; Possibly by arranging with the person being modeled, to be in just such a place, OR do the modelling outside their awareness. Then you'll definitely be in such a place.

Third, Physical proximity; In a place that you can see/feel/hear/(taste/smell), what they are doing. (HELP from more skilled modelers gratefully welcome here). From my experience, just behind, just beside, or just across from, all seem to offer value to this end. Also, I remember vaguely (John at a recent Modelling Course), discussing the differences and value of mirroring, vs. cross mirroring for right and left handed persons, and the "beside" vs. "across from" differences. (Details hazy). Perhaps he or someone else could offer more in this regard. Also, recall, that our peripheral vision is ideal for noticing "differences", (so, I wonder where a person could stand/sit, so as to best take advantage of that tid-bit of knowledge?)

Forth, Checking the quality of the performance; By calibrating the level of quality and attention to the task (of the model), before you do the modelling, and then comparing the same (momentarily, from 3rd (coming from, and heading back to 2nd)), during the modelling, to notice the model's consistency of state/performance. (This may also be useful to (very briefly) check your own performance as well.) Note: This is different than testing to see if you can replicate the model's original behavior.

Feedback welcome.

Moving on,

You said: "With regards to micro-muscular movements (MMMs) I realize that any movements the Modeler makes are to be imperceptible to a non-trained observer:"

I'm not sure I follow, or agree with what I think I understand you to be saying. I think MMMs, are just the name given to the smallest chunk size of physiological movements, of your model (and/or your attempts to model them). Imperceptible to non-trained observer? Maybe...eventually, but certainly not necessarily at first. At some point (the modeler's) MMMs must either grow up into the larger, fully modeled and replicated, set of movements, OR big movements must be refined to the same set of (modeled) MMMs. From my experience, there is value in both clumsily attempting to replicate exactly the behaviors in a "large-muscle-group" sort of way, AND "micro-moving my muscles" in a far more subtle and controlled way, in relation to the model's original complex movements. This partially answers,

Your last question:

"How specifically would I "mimik" the movements of an artist - such as a broad brush stroke - in "real time" using MMMs? Would my hands just remain in the normal resting position during the MMMs?"

Most interestingly (and humorously to me)...You wouldn't actually be able to ask this question while modelling (in 2nd)...;-)

Thanks for the great post and I hope I've helped,

Mark MacLean

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
A question about NLPmodelling01/08/2004 13:10:31Robert
     Re:A question about NLPmodelling01/08/2004 15:50:03Russ Kenworthy
          Re:Re:A question about NLPmodelling14/08/2004 12:53:57Robert
     Re:A question about NLPmodelling02/08/2004 08:29:38e_lie
          Re:Re:A question about NLPmodelling02/08/2004 09:26:04Robert
               NLPRocks03/08/2004 03:59:31InnerCalm
                    Re:NLPRocks03/08/2004 07:59:09Robert
                         Re:Re:NLPRocks16/08/2004 01:51:48elie
          Re:Re:A question about NLPmodelling02/08/2004 09:31:24Robert
     Re:A question about NLPmodelling02/08/2004 09:12:37Mark MacLean

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