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Topic: Re:Re:ReRe:Beyond Milton Model?
Posted by: Carlos
Date/Time: 03/10/2002 21:50:56


The original question deal with better than the Milton Model. Hogwash is potent substance that will enduce trance without need for language.

If you see a farmer wash a hog, you will see they are both

- Carlos

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Beyond Milton Model?03/10/2002 06:05:02Stephen Michael Hawley
     ReRe:Beyond Milton Model?03/10/2002 13:20:21jay
          Re:ReRe:Beyond Milton Model?03/10/2002 18:29:56Pam
               Re:Re:ReRe:Beyond Milton Model?03/10/2002 21:50:56Carlos
     Re:Beyond Milton Model?03/10/2002 21:03:21SMH

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