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Topic: Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 13/11/2002 02:41:11


This reply is not on behalf of John or Carmen. This is my personal reflections on issues in your post. I wanted to reply because your post offers an excellent opportunity to discuss 1. High performance states, 2. Epistemology  and 3. Application.

You wrote" It seems that a know-nothing state, by definition, is more than a suspension of F2 filters. Simply suspending F2 filters is what you refer to as 'stopping the world' in Turtles, isn't it?"

My thoughts: What you write above is description of a know nothing state. The state your friend is in when playing cricket is probably a know nothing state where F2 filters are not active, so there is no judgement.

You wrote "Eg: I worked with a very good cricket player a while ago. He reported to me that the ball actually looked bigger and 'redder' when he was batting well vs when he was 'stuggling'.
This, to me, represents a transform post FA... considering that all transforms pre FA are neurological (receptor-->signal pathway level)"

My thoughts: The effects of the illusion of the ball being bigger, I would attribute to F1 transforms, the messages from retina are transformed at FA somewhat differently than usual creating the illusion of the ball being bigger. The popular saying of “eyes playing a trick” applies here.  I suspect your friend has no internal dialogue in this moment and if he did the F2 transform would interrupt his FA of the larger ball. The key to his ability to see the larger ball would be the know nothing state.

The above description is mapped from an experience I had of working with a cricketer who had the FA illusion of the ball slowing down in the air as he ran backwards to catch it. While he was running backwards he also was highly aware of the position of all the people on the field. He never really paid much attention to this skill until he was interviewed. Once he scrutinised it with F2 transforms he temporarily lost the skill. He tried so hard to get it back and couldn't. His know nothing high performance state was lost as he tried hard using F2 filters to get it back.

The intervention to regain his skill at FA was to start with a recalled representation of his skill. At this point the recalled representation was subject to F2 transforms. Through revivification procedure the representation became his FA in the session i.e he was in the high performance state associated with catching the ball. The door way to the state was seeing the ball in the air and an adjustment of his breathing. We were on the cricket field, so the setting was ideal. We paired (anchored) the ball in the air  to the FA of the high performance state. This was sufficient and he never talked about the skill again until he quit playing cricket.

None of the above helped me with my understanding of cricket:)  I was new to NLP at the time, and it did help me understand the distinctions between FA , recalled representations of FA's and F2 transforms although I didn't use those terms then.


Michael Carroll

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?11/11/2002 07:17:08Michael Norman
     Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?13/11/2002 02:41:11Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?13/11/2002 06:36:01Michael Norman
     Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?13/11/2002 17:29:03John Grinder
          Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?14/11/2002 02:05:51Robert
               Re:Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?16/11/2002 17:50:35John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?22/11/2002 13:24:42Robert
          Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?14/11/2002 07:24:00Michael Norman
               Re:Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?20/11/2002 16:42:38John Grinder
          Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?14/11/2002 14:36:39Jon Edwards
               Re:Re:Re:Epistemology And Modeling - An Extension To The F1-FA-F2 model?14/11/2002 22:44:22ernest

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