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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP
Posted by: John Schertzer
Date/Time: 20/05/2003 14:52:32

"I am not an enemy of the medium nor do I believe it is devoid of value.  My aim, instead, is to promote a new way of thinking about TV."

That's good. I didn't own or have a TV in my home for over 10 years.  I've only plugged in recently because I decided it could be more fun that dangerous.  For the first couple of months of my son's life we had it on a lot because it was difficult to do anything else.  My son still doesn't have enough attention span, and only locks in for minutes at a time.  We spend much more time making noises back and forth at each other and micmicking each other's facial micro-musculature (implicit modeling, if you want to be explicit about it).

"For all those cases, NLP can help you create more appropriate imaginings.  A method like the Core Transformation method might help you.  An Ericksonian hypnotherapist could help you.  Ms. Bostic St. Clair and Dr. Grinder could recommend New Code methods to you. Modern forms of stress-management might also help you. "

Things can get stressful, yes, at home and work, but I've been in therapy (and I know this is a no-no to admit in NLP circles, but I consider it more of an apprenticeship in human relationships than a solution to a problem) for over 16 years, have done other types of change work, have my practitioner certification, my ericksonian certification, have assisted trainings, actually do some coaching/therapy, and occasionally trade services and practice with other practitioners and master practitioners and hypnotherapists.  I'd do even more, but time and finances won't allow it at this point.  I'd love to do a New Code training, a master prac, etc etc... but unless a trainer came knocking at my door, and wanted to do it pro bono, I'm in no position.

And I do a lot of work on myself, which a lot of NLPers don't.  I know that from experience.  That's why one hired me to do it with him.

But this discussion, particularly about Req Var, gives me an interesting 3rd position perspective of what the relationships between me and my son, and my wife and my son and my wife and me and my wife, son and me, not to mention all of those other relationships at work, etc., are up to.

The TV part is interesting because it's inviting people in with no feedback.  Liam, my son, can model the actors, but the actors will not respond back, as happens in all interactive systems.  I'm hoping that this distinction of an awareness of feedback vs. a lack of feedback becomes part of his reality strategy.  For this reason alone, I believe managed TV exposure is vitally important.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Law of Requisite Variety in NLP28/07/2002 17:26:39Carol Anne (Friday) Ogdin
     Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP30/07/2002 21:31:34John Grinder
          Re(2): Law of Requisite Variety in NLP07/08/2002 16:49:29Carol Anne (Friday) Ogdin
               Re:Re(2): Law of Requisite Variety in NLP07/08/2002 18:56:09John Grinder
     Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP04/01/2003 08:14:00nj
          Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP10/05/2003 05:21:15nj
               Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP11/05/2003 02:22:09Ryan Nagy
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP14/05/2003 23:45:39nj
                         Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP16/05/2003 08:49:39Ryan N.
                              Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP16/05/2003 19:02:31nj
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP16/05/2003 19:49:22John Schertzer
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP17/05/2003 05:54:05nj
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP19/05/2003 21:28:22John Schertzer
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP20/05/2003 00:11:15nj
                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP20/05/2003 14:52:32John Schertzer
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP23/05/2003 23:28:14nj
     Re:Law of Requisite Variety in NLP16/01/2003 03:28:36Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (

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