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Topic: Re:NLP Modeling
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Date/Time: 23/05/2003 22:39:54

Dr. G. can you describe for me more in depth the Unconscious Uptake portion of the NLP Modeling strategy.

I know when I model personally the state that I go into is one of:

I de-focus my eyes, I use my vision to track movement.

Then I open up my hearing to listen that which is being said and how its being said.

I mimic the movements of my model only after I have been in their prescense and can feel a pattern of some sort repeating, most of the time I don't know what it is but I can feel it.  And then I go from there. I try to identify the pattern without judgement or at least what I think it is that I am feeling.  Then I do it consciously to see if i'm right and am achieving some what similiar results if i'm not than I drop what ever It was that I thought was the pattern and feel for the next one.

And I do that one by one until I complete the model.  Once I have a cluster of patterns then I begin the process of subtraction, I begin doing all of the patterns and then I begin leaving one out to see if there is a difference if there is not I leave that particular pattern out if there is I leave that particular pattern in.  And I continue to do that until I have the handful of patterns that make up my model.

Tell me what you think Dr. G.



I'm just reposting this because it looked weird at the end of the last post.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
NLP Modeling Videos14/05/2003 19:20:11wild savage
     Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 00:11:57distance
          Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 18:02:15John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 21:13:50Distance
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos16/05/2003 14:35:16John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos17/05/2003 16:04:43Distance
     NLP Modeling22/05/2003 23:49:51wild savage
          Re:NLP Modeling23/05/2003 18:20:10John Grinder
               NLP Modeling23/05/2003
                    Re:NLP Modeling23/05/2003
                         Re:Re:NLP Modeling27/05/2003 17:22:18John Grinder
                              NLP Modeling27/05/2003 19:25:17wild savage
                                   Re:NLP Modeling28/05/2003 16:20:29John Grinder
                                        Re:Re:NLP Modeling29/05/2003 16:34:53wild savage
               When, how long, which part?05/06/2003 20:33:10Thomas

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