Forum Message

Topic: Re:NLP Modeling
Posted by: John Grinder
Date/Time: 28/05/2003 16:20:29

Hey WS

You certainly have a lot of damn questions.

1. You wrote,

"Now with regard to using micro muscle movements in their prescense, am I correct in assuming one would match breathing, body posture, how about gestures, and analogue markings?  That's what your refering to right?"

Yeap - all of the above - your task is to imitate every movement, posture, voice quality... that you can detect (thus, the critical importance of calibration skills - you can't replicate what you can't detect) with micro muscle movements.

2. You wrote,

"What about after the fact?  At what point after the assimilation of my models patterns into me can I start to pull out what they do.  And how do I do that?"

Step 4 of the modeling process - as soon as you can unconsciously replicate the actions of the model as judged by the responses you elicit compared with the response the model elicits - you know, it would make a lot more sense if you read Whispering.

3.You wrote,

"My thinking is I will know that I have suspended my f2 filters when I am completely there in the moment, no internal Dialogue, just there experiencing the moment, full FA.

And I think that I wouldn't have suspended my filters when I'd be in my head going, "well first it seems shes doing this, now she's doing this, now she's doing this, etc..." 

Is this along the lines of what your getting at?"

Yeap - that's what Carmen and I claimed in Whispering.

The remainder of your questions are addressed in Whispering.

All the best,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
NLP Modeling Videos14/05/2003 19:20:11wild savage
     Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 00:11:57distance
          Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 18:02:15John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos15/05/2003 21:13:50Distance
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos16/05/2003 14:35:16John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP Modeling Videos17/05/2003 16:04:43Distance
     NLP Modeling22/05/2003 23:49:51wild savage
          Re:NLP Modeling23/05/2003 18:20:10John Grinder
               NLP Modeling23/05/2003
                    Re:NLP Modeling23/05/2003
                         Re:Re:NLP Modeling27/05/2003 17:22:18John Grinder
                              NLP Modeling27/05/2003 19:25:17wild savage
                                   Re:NLP Modeling28/05/2003 16:20:29John Grinder
                                        Re:Re:NLP Modeling29/05/2003 16:34:53wild savage
               When, how long, which part?05/06/2003 20:33:10Thomas

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