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Topic: Re:content/form in the media
Posted by: John Schertzer
Date/Time: 30/05/2003 14:42:01

I read a different article about the same study.  I believe the researchers believed that killing was indeed a possible variable in the development of these heightened skills.  Whether we like it or not.  Certain martial arts are known to help develop the similar skills.  Note the term: martial.  Self defense, real or simulated, is a great motivation for the neurology to expand its capabilities, and promote high performance states.  Rescuing children is nice to do, as well, sure, but now you're talking about using F2 filters.

I believe this is a much more innocent example of countless things the media has done recently to promote violence, particularly in the propaganda campaign to justify the recent war, which at times gains the appearance of a horrifying conspiracy.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
content/form in the media29/05/2003 16:01:08J Rose
     Re:content/form in the media29/05/2003 17:48:56nj
          Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 01:38:41J Rose
               Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 14:18:04Doug Temmins
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:28:15J Rose
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 22:07:38Audry Heshings
               Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media05/06/2003 23:58:57nj
     Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 14:42:01John Schertzer
          Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:00:35Golf Swing Modeler
               Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:14:50John Schertzer
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:21:49J Rose
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:55:07John Schertzer
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 16:13:02J Rose
          Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:16:35J Rose
               Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:45:30John Schertzer
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 15:50:09J Rose
               Re:Re:Re:content/form in the media30/05/2003 22:05:02Terry

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