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Topic: Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics
Posted by: John Schertzer
Date/Time: 29/07/2003 14:04:10

I appreciate that.  I know Moore, not from Bowling, but from other things.  And I've read a bit of Chomsky.  I realize that there are plenty of like-minded thinkers, but they're all preaching to the converted.  I don't need to be convinced of all that.  But neither Chomsky nor Moore, nor it seems anybody else who might be in a position to do otherwise are willing to really communicate with anyone but the converted.  That's my point.  That's something I've been discussing with my "left" friends (and they hate me for it) for a long time.  We need all to do more 2pp, I guess.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics28/07/2003 21:21:14John Schertzer
     Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics29/07/2003 13:34:46Golf Swing Modeler
          Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics29/07/2003 14:04:10John Schertzer
               Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics29/07/2003 18:57:09Doug K
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics29/07/2003 20:03:06John Schertzer
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 00:01:33doug
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 12:47:43James O',Malley
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 19:13:15doug
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics31/07/2003 03:38:52James OMalley
     Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 17:47:15Renee Levant
     Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 17:47:17Renee Levant
          Re:Re:Multiple Perceptual Positions, NOT! in US Politics30/07/2003 19:09:41doug
               Chomsky's work: content vs. form09/08/2003 08:53:21Mark MacLean
                    Some relevant posts (etc)...09/08/2003 20:24:18Ryan Nagy

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