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Topic: Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications
Posted by: nj
Date/Time: 17/10/2003 21:24:43


In the post that this post replies to, I wrote that ethical therapist responses could depend on:

(1) statement synonymy
(2) deductive entailment
(3) analytic predication (versus synthetic predication)
(4) necessary truths (versus contingent truths)
(5) statement presupposition

and I want to add to that list:

(6) syntactic ambiguity
(7) semantic ambiguity
(8) semantic vagueness

My formulation of an ethic for hypnotic communication to clients depends on the elements:

(9) principle: the subjective connotations of your client's communication, when changed by you, needlessly and undesirably manipulate your client's experience.
(10) policy: for each therapeutic speech act you deliver, make the content of your speech act match the content delivered by the client, in his prior speech acts.
(11) procedure: ...

I haven't tried to produce justification for each element, but a presentation of this ethic to the NLP community will need to include a separate justification of each element (9) through (11).

I think another principle plays a part in development of procedure (11).  Earlier, I formulated that principle as:

(12) the therapist does not need to understand, in certain ways, the verbal content that the client delivers to him.

Now I think principle (12) is too vague with respect to what client content need not be understood.

My problem is I don't know enough about:
(13) NLP or Ericksonian hypnotherapy in practice; the steps to follow in use of some kinds of NLP and hypnosis techniques; NLP and hypnosis techniques to which principle (9) applies.

I can perform the actions:

(14) outline what I don't know, to get feedback
(15) describe speech act conditions in which a therapist does not add content to his client's communications.

I think (15) has been done before - a literature search ought to turn up work, work on active listening, therapeutic objectiveness.  I'm sure that Freud had ideas with respect to the ethic I'm discussing,a lot of others must have after him.   With some effort, I might be able to perform action (15), by synthesizing, or just passing on, some work on the subject, work that I think is valuable to the NLP community.

So, my future posts will explore a revised topic, and respond to the question:

(16) what defines therapist->client speech acts, speech acts that do not add content to a client's prior communications?

A good explanatory response to question (16) will:
(17) provide useful input to an effort to justify and develop elements (9) through (11), the elements of a hypnotic communication ethic.

In the process of answering question (16), I will probably have to:
(18) introduce terminology that labels the participants involved in the target context of procedure (11).

I also want to perform the actions:

(19) introduce concepts from the philosophy of ethics on this forum
(20) define terminology useful for evaluating ethical arguments for and against formulations of a hypnotic communication ethic

I welcome any response to this post, any response that addresses my possible activities (14), (15), (17), (18), (19), and (20), or that provides knowledge about topic (13).  Anyone have any kind of answer to my question (16)?  General feedback is also welcome.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications12/10/2003 03:05:59nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications12/10/2003 17:57:12zhizhichien
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications14/10/2003 01:04:42nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications14/10/2003 01:52:29nj
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications17/10/2003 21:24:43nj
               illocution, perlocution, and metaphorical therapeutic communication.23/10/2003 21:54:51nj
                    Re:illocution, perlocution, and metaphorical therapeutic communication.25/10/2003 10:41:00nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 10:29:28nj
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 13:44:20Kate
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 20:29:49nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 08:25:58Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 09:55:31Pete West
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 10:46:16Pete West
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communicat23/12/2003 04:42:00kate
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 23:34:38Kate
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 12:09:42nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 12:14:21nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 19:23:57nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications08/02/2004 00:49:11nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications28/12/2003 12:15:09Anthony
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications29/12/2003 00:55:24nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications29/12/2003 20:38:25Anthony

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