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Topic: Re:Calibration to unconscious
Posted by: Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
Date/Time: 30/11/2002 16:19:56

Hi Lewis

You are on fire - take a deep breath.

Yes, of course, we too would look at you in a most peculiar way were you to ask us straight away to "Go inside and...".

There are several ways around this difficulty - for example, if the patient drove a car to the appointment, you could ask them how many right turns they had to make between their home/office... and your office, how many red lights they had to stop at... When they respond that they really don't know, you point out that the answer is, precisely as many as I needed to in order to arrive here safely. You then point out that their safety and health is your objective as well and that you would appreciate consulting with the part of them that managed to get them safely to the appointment. By approaching it in terms that they can immediately understand and verify, you will avoid the awkwardness you refer to.

Of course, one of the difficulties is that you have a case load (as you mentioned, on average 10 minutes a patient) to manage.  You have arrived at a certain balance between the requirement the medical system places on you and what you would prefer to do with your patients, had you the time to do it. The balance you have struck is that you are depending on your unconscious to sense the responses to your questions offered physiologically by the patient's unconscious. There are physicians and nurses in health care that we have worked with who are superb at this.

We would recommend that you refine your abilities in two ways:

1. sensing congruency and incongruency in a patient is fine - we would suggest that congruency and incongruency is sometimes a response to you and what you are proposing and sometimes such responses could be to internal events that you are stimulating with your treatment and questions. We would therefore urge that you calibrate unconsciously (and consciously - see 2 below) the yes/no responses by the patient.

2. that you work to appreciate explicitly where the signals are coming from (e.g. when patient X leans to the right slightly after a question, the response of the unconscious is yes; if his left hand flutters, the response is no). This will lead naturally to an enhanced ability to know through a combination of conscious and unconscious calibrations the signals being offered by the patient's unconscious and therefore whether the unconscious of the patient accepts what you are proposing and doing or not. Compliance issues are easily managed thusly. And as a bonus, in those cases where differential diagnosis or where there is a range of possilbe appropriate treatments available, you will have the enormous benefit of knowing what the patient's unconscious preferences are.    

Reading the physiological responses of a patient through calibration (both consciously and unconscioouly) and simply using this invaluable source of information is a perfectly valid form of application - it has the one (to us) enormous disadvantage that the process is entirely opaque to the patient and consequently such a procedure does not enhance the patient's ability to take responsibility for their own health...

Given the circumstances under which you operate, while not optimal, it may represent the best choice available.

Finally you write,

"I am curious whether you have other types of internal signals that you use for calibration with clients in this way?"

If by this embedded questions, you mean are their other sources of this class of signals - other than the physiological responses of the patient - then the answer is, not to our knowledge. We suspect that you mean by your statement, are their other ways to arrange  access to the information offered by the patient's unconscious, then the answer is, yes, of course, and our comments above detailed several variations.

All the best,

Carmen and John

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Calibration to unconscious30/11/2002 11:46:12Lewis Walker
     Re:Calibration to unconscious30/11/2002 16:19:56Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
          Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious01/12/2002 14:39:04Lewis Walker
               Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious01/12/2002 22:07:41Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious02/12/2002 13:46:02Lewis Walker
               Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious02/12/2002 01:34:07Stephen

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