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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious
Posted by: Lewis Walker
Date/Time: 02/12/2002 13:46:02

Hi Carmen, John and Stephen,

Carmen and John...thanks for a very full reply which has got me thinking consciously and unconsciously!

All three of you ask about: "project" their inner experiences in the space around them, using that location as subsequent feedback" specifically?

Stephen is right on the mark with his comments. If the eye accessing cues initially find the reference experience, then where the eyes go to after that is where the experience is "projected" holographically in space around the individual. Most people are completely unaware that this is happening yet it it is easy to notice and when attention is drawn to it they can describe elements of that experience. This usually encompasses a varied mix of submodalities with location (direction and distance) being a prime driver of the experience.

You can easily test this by asking someone about their problem and the direction and focus of their eyes will give you a clue of it's whereabouts in projected space. By calibrating to where this is you can tell if your changework has been successful - the location will have shifted. In fact they may search around all over the place before saying "it's gone" or words to that effect.

You can ask about the "cause" of the problem (I know you don't do this in New Code) and they may reply "I don't know" yet gaze in a particular direction. If you ask them again after a period of time they will repeat the same gaze pattern and still say "don't know". If you want to and deem it appropriate and ecological you can bring this out of awareness experience into consciousness, but it's not necessary for a successful intervention.

Interestingly, if you ask about the solution to their problem they may say "don't know" and gaze elsewhere (repeatedly). I take this as a signal that their unconscious does have a solution in mind, probably one that benefits the whole system.

It seems to me that many, many things are projected in this way. Likes, dislikes, certainty, uncertainty, compulsions, revulsions, attractions,unresolved grief, resolved grief, beliefs, values, resource experiences etc, etc.

It is possible to anchor any one or more of these experiences and overtly or covertly move it around in space...this can be therapeutic in it's own right.

This obviously opens up many possibilities, both ethical and unethical, for persuasion and negotiation etc and treatment interventions. You can use your own projected map to map out a template of locations in space for experiences like resources, things you used to do, obstacles you encountered and managed well, outcomes, convincer etc, etc. By using short stories these can all be elicited and anchored. The patient's "problem" can be overtly/covertly threaded through the appropriate parts of the template for change to occur.

Whilst I am not yet an expert in piecing this all together in "flow-time" I have used parts of it to great effect. Given the constraints of time I work under it is a most useful tool. The down side, as you mentioned before, is that the patient doesn't necessarily learn how to engage with their own unconscious.

This may have been more than you bargained on with your original question!

Best regards,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Calibration to unconscious30/11/2002 11:46:12Lewis Walker
     Re:Calibration to unconscious30/11/2002 16:19:56Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
          Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious01/12/2002 14:39:04Lewis Walker
               Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious01/12/2002 22:07:41Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious02/12/2002 13:46:02Lewis Walker
               Re:Re:Re:Calibration to unconscious02/12/2002 01:34:07Stephen

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